Today I was trying to make space for two large seashells plucked off the beach in Florida when I was seven. My mother took care of them over the ensuing years, ensuring that they survived our many moves and travels. (Oh the pressure I feel now that I have them.) The shells are lovely but large and I wasn’t sure how to make everything fit. Suddenly I realised I could stand the shells on their heads instead of displaying them horizontally. They take up way less shelf space and everything fits. Ta da—problem solved.
What a life lesson: sometimes all it takes is a change of orientation. Even when you think you've tried everything, there’s often a solution that hasn’t been considered because it’s beyond your present sense of possibility.
This is the way we should work in our lives—envision a clear goal and don’t worry too much about how to get there. When you hold a goal (all this stuff has to fit on that shelf) and don’t worry about how you’ll achieve it, you make space for miracles to happen.