
Friday, February 4, 2011

Where Are You Disempowering Yourself?

If you read bios that are found on book jackets, event programs and corporate mastheads, you’ll notice there are no weak words and no waffling. These people didn’t “sort of try to” do X, they did it. They led, created, and manifested. For all we know they did it in their pajamas while eating Fudgy-Os, but in the bio they are organized, driven people who succeed at life.

The language of those bios is strong, positive, and brief. We do well to emulate that style in our communication. Positivity, prudence and brevity should be characteristics of all our conversations, including the ones inside our head—especially the ones inside our head.

Where do you tell yourself that you always make the same mistake, embarrass yourself, or miss that shot? In life, we can disempower ourselves through not asking for enough or dreaming big enough. We can disempower ourselves by seeing what we lack, not the abundance that we have.

Take a look at your life: where can you update some assumptions, spring clean habits that weaken you, and increase your sense of personal power? What if you took yourself seriously?